Friday, June 17, 2011

Holy Hanna, my Brain is FRIED!

What a totally useless day today was.

It started out with the Pediatrician where Hanna had her 6 month wellness check-up (even though she's 7 1/2 months). She was a brave little girl and pleasantly surprised the nurse by only crying for about five seconds while she got 3 shots. I think mama cried more than she did.

Put Hanna down for a nap and she slept for almost 3 hours!!! They flew by, and I'll tell you why. I've been trying to get this blog up and running with all the bells and whistles. I am an over-thinker when it comes to technology, my downfall. I wanted to create different tabs at the top of the blog so that posts will be easy to find and organized. Could I figure out how to do this,no. I spent the entire alone time I had trying to figure the ins and outs of blogger. Three hours later, I had made very little progress.

The rest of my afternoon was dealing with a sad panda who was irritable because of her shots.

By the way, you'll notice I have tabs at the top of my blog. I figured it out at 8:00 in about 2 minutes. What a waste of a good nap.

Why it is Super Easy to go to the Gym with Kids:
Sarcasm at its finest. One thing that has been the hardest thing to get use to after baby is that you are a slave to their moods and schedule.

I like to go to the gym in the afternoon because that is when I like to snack. If I'm at the gym no snacky for Carrie. I thought it was too good to be true when Hanna handled her shots so well. I was totally planning on doing my regular gym thing.....enter sad panda. Every time I tried to put the little gal down she would cry, and it was a sad cry, the kind that melts your heart, and you think I am such a bad mom if I don't comfort my child. Argh! Those are hard! So no gym today even though I had the motivation. Hopefully we can get our act together for tomorrow morning.


Are you technologically challenged?
Not usually, but today I just could not get it together!

What's an obstacle you have when going to the gym besides motivation?
Obviously my child has been my biggest obstacle. Before child I would say sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Your sad panda is pretty darn cute. Hopefully she is feeling better.
